from the creator Sarai♥WoaH Photography♥'s
"These are manipulations I've made using either stock photos or my own resources.Special thanks to the wonderful people who make stock available for us. :D"
more about Sarai.....
My name is Sarai. I'm 25 years old and I've always been in to photography, but I hadn't actually started taking pictures until the mid of 2007. I am self taught. Photography is my new found passion and obsession. I think about it ALL the time. I can't seem to get enough of it. I feel that it helps me to get away from everything. But at the same time it also excites me, it gives me an opportunity to express myself in a different way. It opens up a portal through which I can portray all my emotions and thoughts. And more importantly, it gives me a way to honor the memory of my brother Ismael who I love and miss dearly. I dedicated this account to him, hence "wings of a hero" on the link. I named what I do WoaH photography, -not- because I think my images are like woah, so awesome, but because they stand for Wings of a Hero and it's dedicated to him, in case some of you were wondering. :)I'm a very easy going person. I'm very silly and I laugh a lot. I believe in treating others as I'd like to be treated, so I'll always treat you with respect. I'm interested in all kinds of art forms. I love reading. I speak both English and Spanish, so feel free to speak in either one.Para todos aquellos que solo hablan Espanol, sientanse libres de usar solo Espanol conmigo. Es mi primer idioma. :)I want to thank everyone who has encouraged me. All of them, family and friends, you guys know who you are. I love you guys."To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." Author: Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thank you Sarai for your permission to use this amazing works in PICTURES AT AN EXHIBITION.
One of the few sets that I love almost all of photos in it. It's growing, too.